
Dabeaz is David Beazley, a computer scientist, educator, and researcher with more than 35 years of experience. Dave has been most visible in the Python community where he has created various software packages, given conference talks, tutorials, and is known as the author of Python Distilled (Addison-Wesley), the Python Essential Reference (Addison-Wesley), and the Python Cookbook (O'Reilly Media). He supports this work by offering a variety of advanced computer science and programming courses.

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May 11, 2024. I'm returning to Brown University for part two of helping Shriram Krishnamurthi take a sabbatical! I'll be teaching CSCI 1730 Programming Languages with Shriram this fall. If you're a Brown student wondering "who is this guy?" I might direct you to my page of talks and tutorials.


Upcoming Events

Write a Compiler

December 16-20, 2024.
ONLINE with David Beazley

Write a compiler for a new programming language and learn about a number of interesting technologies along the way including LLVM. More...

Rafting Trip

August 19-23, 2024.
ONLINE with David Beazley

Learn about network programming, concurrency, distributed systems, and more as you tackle the challenge of implementing the Raft distributed consensus algorithm--and likely failing. You'll learn a lot. More...

Advanced Programming with Python

August 12-16, 2024.
ONLINE with David Beazley

Take your programming and problem solving skills to the next level. More...

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)

July 8-12, 2024.
ONLINE with David Beazley

Shatter your brain into bits as you tackle one of the classic texts of computer science. You'll write mostly Scheme with a bit of Python, implement two Lisp interpreters, and explore the foundations of functional programming. You'll likely never look at programming languages the same way again. More...


The Python Programming Language

Published: August, 2016

In this highly rated video training, David Beazley covers the essential features of Python programming through a series of practical programming examples. The course provides programmers with an accelerated introduction to the essential parts of Python. Those with some previous Python experience will benefit from being exposed to modern Python style and programming idioms used by experienced programmers.

Latest Talks and Tutorials

Dimensional Shifting

July 7, 2023
TNG Big Tech Day, Munich, Germany.

An post-pandemic intersectional exploration of Raft, lambda calculus, and category theory. Do formal systems inform actual systems? I don't know, but this talk suggests that they might.

Keynote: The Problem with the Problem

February 22, 2022
PyCon Sri Lanka

What happens when you give a problem for beginners to professionals? You might uncover a lot of problems.

Learn Python

For more than a decade, I developed and taught a pair of Python courses that were primarily used for corporate training. These were taught to more than 400 groups all over the world, by myself and some of Python's foremost experts. I've since released the courses under a Creative Commons license. Ad-free, SEO-free, AI-free. Simply click the link and go straight to the course!

Copyright (C) 2005-2024, David Beazley