Rafting Trip

Upcoming Course Dates:

  • June 3-7, 2024 (online) (Sold out)
  • July 22-26, 2024 (online)
  • August 19-23, 2024 (online)

Course Hours:


  • $1500 (online)

Registration (no payment required now):

• Online:
Note: Due to occasional cancellations and rescheduling requests, spots sometimes open. If you register or add to the waitlist, I will let you know if earlier spots are available.

Instructor: David Beazley

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July 9, 2024. Last chance for Raft in 2024! Spaces are available in both the July and August courses. However, I'm teaching the fall-semester Programming Languages course at Brown so no Raft courses this fall. Look for Rafting Trip to return in 2025. -- Dave


Imagine a slow winding river of network programming. At its mouth near the sea, you see all the families splashing in the waves having fun with web scraping and chat bots. As you work your way up the river, you'll encounter your usual sorts of HTTP servers and frameworks. Continuing still further, perhaps you'll encounter some message queues, remote procedure calls, and distributed objects. However, if you keep on going past the last bridge over the river, you'll eventually start to see disturbing, if not unnatural, acts of coding involving sockets, threads, async, and other low-level systems programming primitives. Echo servers shriek at each other as the river narrows and the banks close in with complexities everywhere. You come across the abandoned wreckage of the USS Chataboaty. If you squint and look ahead, the river vanishes into the forest. The shells of abandoned GitHub projects line the shores. You recognize a torn conference T-shirt and a muddy sneaker worn by some pair programmers you once knew in the office. The horror. The horror. That's precisely the location where you will be dropped to start this week-long journey of attempting to implement the Raft Distributed Consensus algorithm from scratch. And likely failing.

The problem of Distributed Consensus relates to the challenge of making a group of machines operate as a collective whole that can survive the failure of one or more of its members. This behavior is a critical part of building reliable fault-tolerant systems. Raft is an algorithm that achieves just that. The goal is a modest one--implement Raft from scratch using nothing more than basic system programming libraries and your wits. It will not be an easy task. It may be the hardest small bit of systems code you'll ever have to write, "test", and debug. However, you will learn a lot in the process. Are you up to the challenge?


Programmers now live in a world of distributed systems. Tackling a fundamental "hard" problem of distributed systems will make you a better programmer and a better problem solver.

Target Audience

This course is for experienced programmers who want to deepen their knowledge of operating systems, concurrency, networks, and distributed systems. There are also strong elements of design, software architecture, and testing of complex systems.

Instruction Format

This is a project-based course that involves a significant amount of thinking, discussion, and planning. Each day starts with a short group discussion and coding related to different facets of the project. However, 5-6 hours a day is spent working on the project.


Implementing Raft is typically a multi-week project found in a graduate computer science course on Distributed Systems. You should be experienced working in your preferred programming language such as Python, C, Go, or Rust. Core concepts and small exercises are presented in Python. However, this is not a Python course--you may implement the project in any language that you wish. Some prior experience with network programming, systems programming, and concurrency is strongly advised although all of necessary concepts needed for the completion of the project are covered in the course.

Although this is a challenging course, you do not need to possess "encyclopedia knowledge" about network programming, existing libaries, or programming frameworks. It is not a course about memorization or Googling the names of API functions.

Core Topics

Although the stated goal is to produce a working implementation of the Raft algorithm, the ultimate purpose of the course is cover important topics from concurrency and distributed computing in a practical setting. Topics will include:

A major challenge in completing the project is managing the complexity of testing, monitoring, and debugging in the presence of failures and nondeterministic execution. In a basic 5-machine configuration of Raft, you might have code executing with upwards of 60 threads, spread across multiple processes, interacting with various timers and queues. This will push the limits of your ability to comprehend what is happening. Much of the course is spent on coping strategies.

Are you nuts?

Yes. Are you?

About the Instructor

This course is taught by David Beazley. David is a former university professor who used to enjoy torturing students with courses in operating systems and networks. David is better known in the Python world as the author of Python Distilled, the Python Essential Reference, 4th Edition (Addison Wesley) and Python Cookbook, 3rd Edition (O'Reilly Media). He has also given various talks about concurrency-related topics including the infamous Python GIL Talk and this bit of live coding. More recently, he was responsible for the Curio project.

Copyright (C) 2005-2024, David Beazley