In-Person Course Attendance

Circuit building in Computer Science, The Good Parts.

First, and foremost, thanks for considering a course! For more than ten years prior to the pandemic, I offered courses in an intense in-person format in Chicago. Post-pandemic, the future of such courses is, well, more complicated.

I am currently able to offer a very limited number of in-person courses over the summer months. However, I'm not able to offer a course unless I know that it will be fully attended. Thus, if you're interested in taking one of my courses live and in-person, I kindly ask that you tell me about it by sending me email. If I get enough interest for a course, I will schedule the course and contact you.

People have sometimes asked me if I'm planning to make a full return to in-person teaching. This is unlikely. I expect a majority of my teaching to remain in an online format for the foreseeable future. However, in-person courses are still an amazing experience. I'm certainly hoping to offer all of my courses in that format on an occasional basis.

--Dave (February 12, 2023)

Copyright (C) 2005-2024, David Beazley